Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

The water and cleaning solution mix get in between every nook and cranny of your eyewear, especially between the lens and frame during the wash. This happens because your glasses are held securely in place with our engineered spring, allowing the water and cleaning solution to essentially scrub your glasses in all places.

Your glasses do not shake in Spec Shaker so they won't get damaged, bent or scratched. They are held securely in place by our engineered soft plastic spring. They need to be held securely so that the water and solution mix will clean your glasses during the wash. Being unsecure and shaking inside Spec Shaker would not clean them.

You can use this for up to one week. This means that only a few splashes of cleaning solution / water mix will clean your glasses every day for up to one week.

The cleaning solution has been designed to not leave residue on your glasses so rinsing is totally up to you. We suggest that if you have access to a tap then rinse and if you don't then it is not an issue not to rinse. That's what's so great about taking Spec Shaker everywhere with you. Simply fill it up with water, add cleaning solution and off you go travelling, to the gym, driving, to work, camping etc.

It will last up to 12 weeks or longer.

Detergent and windex are not specifically made to clean delicate and expensive eyewear and is not recommended to use as it could damage your eyewear. Our Spec shaker technology cleans dirt, grime and gunk from all of your lens and frame and even pulls the gunk from between the lens and frame! Something you won't be able to do with Windex and a rinse. It is the safest and most effective way to make sure your glasses are cleaned perfectly and will make them last longer so you don't have to replace damaged glasses!

We recommend keeping a Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker Kit in each area where you will need it…the office, kitchen, bathroom or in your vehicle. Wherever you need to focus and refresh is a great place for keeping your Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker Kit.

The Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker is safe for eyewear made from plastic, glass, metal, rubber, timber, wood and bamboo. For those made from timber, wood or bamboo, we recommend checking with your eyewear manufacturer to make sure these materials have a waterproof coating and can be soaked / washed. Please do this prior to using the Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker with water because the last thing you want is your frames to swell. 

You can use your Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker as often as you need to.

There is a 12 month warranty on all parts.

You can continue to buy just the cleaning solution bottle for $16.99 including worldwide shipping. This works out to be under $1.50 per week as the cleaning solution will last 12 you weeks or longer!

There is a 30 day money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with our product.

No matter where you live, you can get free worldwide shipping for your Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker Kit.

The cleaning solution is readily biodegradable which means you can pour it down the sink, straight into the garden or into the waterways without harming the environment.

Spec Shaker gives your glasses a professional, optometrist standard clean in the comfort of your own home by using our new technology. The specifically engineered spring holds your glasses securely in place, allowing the water and our cleaning solution mix to gently deep clean your glasses, removing all dirt and grime from every nook and cranny. It even removes all the gunk from between the lens and frame without having to pop out the lenses. This is why Spec Shaker is supported by so many optometrists and 1000's of customers.


Spec Shaker removes oily smudges, creams, sweat, fingerprints, makeup, dirt, grim and dust not only from the lens but also the frame, hinges, nose piece, branding and divots in those tiny screws.

Spec Shaker

  1. Is environmentally friendly.
  2. Does not require power.
  3. Is gentle on your glasses and will not further damage your glasses.
  4. Is portable and won't spill in your bag or car during travel so you can fill it up at home.
  5. Low cost as the only consumable being the cleaning solution that costs less than $1.50 per week.

Spec Shaker

  1. Gives a smudge, smear and scratch free clean.
  2. Gets rid of hard particles during the wash eliminating the risk of scratching your glasses when using a cloth to dry and polish.
  3. Gently removes dirt, grime, bacteria, makeup, fingerprints, sweat and creams from not just the lens but frame, hinges, nose piece, tiny divots in screws and even from between the lens and frame, without harming your eyewear.
  4. Eco-friendly so you're doing your part for our planet.
  5. Cheaper than lens wipes costing under $1.50 per week of cleaning solution.

We haven't tested bore water so can't recommend using it. We would say not to use it at this stage because it contains salt and other minerals that could corrode your glasses. Good thing about Spec Shaker is that you only need to fill it once per week with around 200ml of clean water and a few splashes of cleaning solution. This mix will clean your glasses all day every day for up to one week.

You can wash the Bamboo Eyes cleaning cloth by throwing it into the washing machine, cold water and using a detergent taht doesn't contain bleach. We recommend washing the cloths on their own so they don't pick up link from clothes. The other way is to wash by hand, cold water and again bleach free detergent.

The Bamboo Eyes Spec Shaker has been made for anyone and everyone who wears spectacles or sunglasses from ages 7 and up. The large shaker diameter fits eyewear between 120-150mm in length and a maximum of 60mm in height.

Bamboo Eyes is an Australian business. All of our product design and development, as well as majority of our operations, is based out of our Headquarters right here in Cairns.

Our cleaning solution is made in Melbourne and China for everything else.

All of the manufacturing partners we deal with have been hand-selected based on their professionalism and the quality of work they produce. In many cases, we've been working together for over 5 years now and have forged a very close relationship where they produce Bamboo Eyes products according to our strict guidelines and specifications. 

We know that China sometimes gets a bad rap for cheap products at low prices. That is undoubtedly true in some cases, but it's not the rule. Just like anywhere else, you can make products to various price points. Take our main manufacturing partner as an example; they are a company with over a billion US dollars in revenue per year, which comes with massive financial and compliance overheads of their own. They aren't cheap. The benefit that we get from a supplier like this is an incredibly broad in-house production capability (for us this means tighter control over more of our components) as well as access to a supply chain where, within a 50km radius, nearly every sub-component required for the SPEC SHAKER KIT can be found or made.

The reality is that unfortunately, the combination of these benefits would probably be impossible to find in any other country. Having said that, our door is open and we're always looking for awesome manufacturing partners. So if you know of any, please feel free to make an introduction!